Monday 28 February 2011

Previous Students Work


  •  The first point of typical 'soldier boots' is very good in setting the scene, as a war-time movie
  • The way the parents of the soldier returning home are introduced is effective in getting the audience emotionally attached to the family, the close-ups let us feel we are part of this moment and so we are happy
  • Everything's in focus
  • The colour schemes and the shots used are cleverly thought out and contrast with each other, reflecting the different moods throughout
  • The costumes and mise-en-scene are all of the time period the movie is set in
  • Good storyline, unexpected twist in the end

  • Colours, Change with the mood and scene, e.g, pink/purple when he's with his girlfriend
  • We are not sure whether things are real or a figment of the main characters imagination
  • Out of focus shots to add effect and mood
  • Some things in the scene are sped up while he is in normal speed, representing his life passing him by
  • Close-ups&long shots are used in contrast
  • The different shot types add audience interest, allowing us to see things from a different angle

  • Opening credits integrated into the scene.
  • Lots of close up and things in and out of focus
  • In the library- the light and dark usage was good
  • Locations were good
  • Something was kept secret until the end

Thursday 17 February 2011

The Exorcist

The film begins with an establishing shot of the desert, it pans across to show the sunset. It introduces the setting of the desert. Most of the shots zoom out very slowly giving us a bigger picture of the setting.
When the archeologist finds the object, the music get louder and faster, it builds tension. This is non diegetic and it makes the audience realize that this is something important to the film and we hope the protagonist will put it back.
The editing reflects the lazy nature of the desert as most of the cuts are slow in order to introduce us to this setting.
All of the clothes worn in the opening scene are traditional arabic clothing, this contradicts our vision of a horror film as we assumes most people in horror films will wear dark, spooky clothing. It is also very bright and high key lighting, which is also different to the traditional horror film.
The threat (Devil) is introduced through the statues of it and this is found right at the start of the scene, the director keeps bringing it back into the scene all the way through so we are completely clear that this is the threat. The music builds up every time the camera zooms into the object.
It did not scare us because none of the traditional areas of a horror film are introduced and also it is hard to understand why it is set in the desert as the rest of the film isn't based here.