Monday 28 February 2011

Previous Students Work


  •  The first point of typical 'soldier boots' is very good in setting the scene, as a war-time movie
  • The way the parents of the soldier returning home are introduced is effective in getting the audience emotionally attached to the family, the close-ups let us feel we are part of this moment and so we are happy
  • Everything's in focus
  • The colour schemes and the shots used are cleverly thought out and contrast with each other, reflecting the different moods throughout
  • The costumes and mise-en-scene are all of the time period the movie is set in
  • Good storyline, unexpected twist in the end

  • Colours, Change with the mood and scene, e.g, pink/purple when he's with his girlfriend
  • We are not sure whether things are real or a figment of the main characters imagination
  • Out of focus shots to add effect and mood
  • Some things in the scene are sped up while he is in normal speed, representing his life passing him by
  • Close-ups&long shots are used in contrast
  • The different shot types add audience interest, allowing us to see things from a different angle

  • Opening credits integrated into the scene.
  • Lots of close up and things in and out of focus
  • In the library- the light and dark usage was good
  • Locations were good
  • Something was kept secret until the end

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