Thursday 17 March 2011

Role of Director (Izzi)

The director's job is to direct the actors and the filming crew when the film is being made. The director is the person who takes the script from being on paper and into a film- this means deciding on the mise-en-scene, lighting, camera angles, thus working with the set designers, cinematographers, and generally the whole filming crew. The director also works closely with the editor once the film has been shot, to decide about the shots; which to include, how long they should be, etc, and the sound people to decide upon the film's soundtrack.
For our horror film, obviously as it is a joint project, so all three of us will make decisions together, but I will take responsibility in deciding upon actors, the narrative, the location, the mise-en-scene. It will be my job to guide the actors and make it clear to them what to do. I will also be in charge in organising our group meetings and when we will be filming. It will be clear wether or not  ave done a good job if everyone knows what they are doing and when, if the overall film looks believable and has the daunting feeling that it should do, which leads me onto one of the most important things, whether the film is actually scary. Also if the actors are good and know what they are doing al the time will be a clear reflection on how well I have taken up the role of director.

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