Saturday 19 March 2011

Step Outline

1 comment:

  1. As the director, I had the initial idea for the story, however, obviously Merry and Shannon made it good! I decided on the step outline to take this format as I think it makes the narrative make sense; there will be nothing too confusing if we have it like this. We will have the crutial elements of the supernatural, but thought that it would be difficult to make this threat actually look threatening, so we will never see it, we will just see the effects that it has. My house has been chosen too because it has potential to look quite scary, as it is large, and has a gravel driveway, good for footstep sounds! We tought of this narrative specifically because n the past we have had trouble finding suitable locations, and so having this (not just on my doorstep; it is my doorstep!) is perfect, and the mise-en-scene too won't need to be anything particuarly outlandish. I aslo have some actors who are the right age to be in the film. The shots too, we think, from what we have written down, will be interesting, but noting will be too dragging on and the narrative will kepep moving, yet we think this outline has good potential to scare! particuarly as the film is left on a bit of an edge!
