Tuesday 29 March 2011


Make some comments underneath about the feedback you received and how you will respond to this.  If changes are needed please post these also:

Questions from class...

  How are you going to show the ghost looking realistic?
      It's going to be a little girl and so she's not supposed to look scary as such it's the fact that she is there that's scary, however to make her look like a ghost we are going to use special effects and white make-up to make her look pale.

How is the guy going to be killed?
  We are going to have the camera shooting into a mirror and so from the mirror we see the guys reflection of the back of his head, he is backing towards the mirror, we will see a small flash of light or reflection of white in the mirror which we realise later is the threat and then he will be on the floor dead.

Are you aware that you will need adult actors and how will you get them?
   Yes, we realise we need adult actors however we know enough people that have volunteered to help and act for us and also a little girl who will act.

How are you going to show things moving?
  In our previous film that we did to practice for this film, we also had a ghost theme and so we had to shoot things moving by themselves which is easier than we first thought as all you need to do is frame the shot tightly and have good composition and then you cannot see the person moving the object.

Merry- As an editor, the step outline will be very important to me later on when trying to create a shot list which the director can use to make a great film! I think it was necessary for us to emphasise that the threat will not be completely obvious and that not everything needs to be seen to be understood, for example when the man dies at the start of this film. As an editor it'll be important for me to make this realistic through the camera angles and the editing we use, for example the music. Most of the things we want to use in our film, we have practiced before, like when things are moving. This is an idea we used in a previous film we have made.

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