Thursday 19 May 2011

1 comment:

  1. As an editor, I watched the original clip looking at the lengths of shots and also how the angles worked to create tension. As we didn't have the same settings as the original group, I worked with Shannon, the Cinematographer to make sure that the setting worked to create tension in the same way. We changed some of the shot lengths, and some of the camera angles, while still trying to follow the original film as much as possible. The reason we decided to copy this film is because the group as payed a lot of attention to detail, for example they have used things like foregrounding, which is something we are very keen to replicate in our film. We decided to add more tracking shots into our version of the film as we wanted to practice this technique; I have put a number of tracking shots into our shot list. When editing this film, it was difficult to keep the continuity, especially in the scene where Izzi walks up the stairs, so I'm glad we've had this practice so we won't make any silly mistakes in our real film.

    Merry- Editor
