Thursday 7 July 2011

reflections from this year-izzi

1. After these 4 weeks, we have completed the planning and have done the first shoot for the first part of the film, completed, and most of the first shoot for the second part of the film. The sound has been recorded mostly, so now it's a case of manipulating it for the film.

2. There are some nice shots in the work produced, and as a director, i have worked very hard at arranging actors and times to shoot. I have found some good props too (like the for sale sign) however the way in which the man dies is quite unbelievable, and particuarly for an amateur actor, incredibly hard not to overact, so this will have to be done differently.

3.It's been hard organsing the whole cast and crew- there's a lot of busy people, and i can't ask friends i know who do drama to be in the film because they are the wrong demographic of people. Also all of us in the crew are incredibly busy people so it's been hard for me as a director to organise everyone and sort out times around everyone's full timetables. I think the stress of doing this is not really worth it, and i'm sure that the film i produce won't be as good, but it will be worth it for my general health!

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