Monday 19 December 2011

Self Marking of Coursework Izzi

I would give the film probably a 5 because I think as a film it on the whole it works pretty well; the mise en scene is pretty good (mainly the house is a good location) and I think the little boy looks quite good. However the story line isn't particularly exciting, so I don't think it warrants more than a 5.

I would give my role as cinematographer about a 5 because I think the shots are generally quite well framed and there is definitely a variety of shots, however they good definitely be better framed and the lighting wasn't always that good. From time to time the camera also moved a bit.

Self evaluating in relation to the mark scheme

A Planning and research  7/10

I think that I did plan well, I took control over the lighting and the shot types; ensuring that all planning sheets were completed with lots of thought and consideration put into them. My main influences in shots were from The Haunting where I got inspiration for the shots of the house and the shots of the dead man. I tried to almost imitate the long corridor shots from  The Orphanage and the other shots of the child threat. However I don;t think that the is an example of excellent planning and research.

C Professional and technical skills 8/10

I think that my shots were actually quite shoot. They were interesting and there was quite a wide range of well framed shots. A variety of close ups, long shots and different angles. I used initiative in not using a dolly for tracking shots as it was just impractical in my setting. I made the most of my location in the was that there were good shots in mirrors, and through windows, made use of long corridors. However the lighting wasn't always great in the shots and the camera sometimes moved. sometimes body parts were chopped off.

D Effective use of film language 7/10

I think that it does look like a horror film on the whole, the house is large with lots of windows and angles which can give it quite a dark edge. The little boy with his blonde hair, blue eyes and in his school uniform i think looks really good in the role. However I think that it's not quite dark or scary enough to be a horror film.

E Originality and creativity 8/10

I think that in fact the shots do hold the attention of the audience, and although the film isn't exactly scary, the shots do create a lot of tension. The shots are diverse and original I think, however the originality is most definitely limited; it's not mind blowing.

overall 30/40

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